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Setup structure for CodeGen

1. We may need to find some algorithm
   for CodeGen. Simple cata recursion
   can not fullfill our needs.
   e.g. When we do codegen for expr, we
   may want to gen constant nodes first and
   later transform them into operands. And
   for lambda, we may need to collect lambda
   headers (\header -> body) before we
   generating code. All these can of course be
   handled by another pass and we can have
   proper structure for CodeGen without other
   problems. But is there existing a way to
   do all this on the fly?
  • Loading branch information
dunor committed Aug 12, 2023
1 parent 635b59c commit 055b41e
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Showing 9 changed files with 182 additions and 75 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions bootstrap/src/Compiler/Backend/LLVM/Definition.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,15 +26,17 @@ import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Compiler.Backend.LLVM.IR
( fresh, named, safeIRBuilderState, flushBasicBlocks )

-- | a shorthand for ModuleBuilder and IRBuilder
type MonadLLVMBuilder m = (Builder.MonadModuleBuilder m, Builder.MonadIRBuilder m)

-- | generate arbitrary global definition
globalDefine :: Builder.MonadModuleBuilder m => IR.Definition -> m ()
globalDefine def = Builder.liftModuleState $ modify \s ->
s { Builder.builderDefs = Builder.builderDefs s `snoc` def }

-- | Define a (non-variadic) global function with c calling convention
-- | define a (non-variadic) global function with c calling convention
:: (Builder.MonadModuleBuilder m, Builder.MonadIRBuilder m)
=> IR.Name -> [(IR.Type, Maybe ShortByteString)] -> IR.Type
Expand All @@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ globalFunction fname paras retType genBody = do
return $ IR.ConstantOperand $ IR.GlobalReference fname

-- | declare an external function
externFunction :: Builder.MonadModuleBuilder m => IR.Name -> [IR.Type] -> IR.Type -> m IR.Operand
externFunction fname paras retType = do
globalDefine . IR.GlobalDefinition $ IR.functionDefaults
Expand All @@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ externFunction fname paras retType = do
return $ IR.ConstantOperand $ IR.GlobalReference fname

-- | generate named opaque type or structure type.
-- | generate named opaque type or named structure type
globalNamedType :: Builder.MonadModuleBuilder m => IR.Name -> Maybe IR.Type -> m IR.Type
globalNamedType tname typ'maybe = do
globalDefine $ IR.TypeDefinition tname typ'maybe
Expand Down
93 changes: 92 additions & 1 deletion bootstrap/src/Compiler/Backend/LLVM/Runtime.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,28 +2,119 @@
-- carefully designed environment.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
module Compiler.Backend.LLVM.Runtime
, globalString
, unitConstant

-- ** Constants builder

-- *** Simple and Complex Constants
, Bits (..)
, buildCString
, buildCArray
, buildCInt
, buildCFloat
, buildCDouble
, buildCStruct
, buildCOperand
, constantOperand

import Compiler.Backend.LLVM.Definition
( globalFunction, MonadLLVMBuilder, globalDefine, MonadModuleBuilder )
import Compiler.Backend.LLVM.IR (ensureNamedBlock, ensureBlockEndWith)
import qualified LLVM.AST as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.AST.Type as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.AST.Typed as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as LLVM
import Data.String (IsString)
import Data.Char (ord)
import qualified LLVM.AST.Global as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.AST.Linkage as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.AST.Global as LLVM.Global
import qualified LLVM.AST.Float as LLVM
import Control.Lens ((<&>))

-- | make a main function as execution environment for generated code.
wrapMain :: (MonadLLVMBuilder m, IsString name) => ([(name, (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Operand))] -> m LLVM.Operand) -> m LLVM.Operand
wrapMain make = globalFunction "main" [(LLVM.i32, Just "argc"), (LLVM.ptr, Just "argv")] LLVM.i32 \case
[argc, argv] -> do
ensureNamedBlock "main.start" -- create start block
-- create start block
ensureNamedBlock "main.start"
r <- make [("argc", (LLVM.i32, argc)), ("argv", (LLVM.ptr, argv))]
-- create ending block
LLVM.typeOf r >>= \case
Right (LLVM.IntegerType 32) -> ensureBlockEndWith (LLVM.Do $ LLVM.Ret (Just r) [])
_ -> ensureBlockEndWith . LLVM.Do $ LLVM.Ret (Just $ LLVM.ConstantOperand $ LLVM.Int 32 0) []
_ -> error "impossible when building wrapper for main function"

globalString :: MonadModuleBuilder m => String -> LLVM.Name -> m LLVM.Operand
globalString content name = do
(typ, str) <- return $ buildCString content
globalDefine . LLVM.GlobalDefinition $ LLVM.globalVariableDefaults
{ = name
, LLVM.linkage = LLVM.External
, LLVM.isConstant = True
, LLVM.initializer = Just str
, LLVM.Global.type' = typ
return (LLVM.ConstantOperand $ LLVM.GlobalReference name)

-- | constant used for representing `()`
unitConstant :: (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Constant)
unitConstant = buildCInt 1 0

-- ** Constants builder

-- | string is always 0 ended.
buildCString :: String -> (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Constant)
buildCString content =
let eles = content <&> snd . buildCInt 8 . toInteger . ord
(typ, end) = buildCInt 8 0
in buildCArray typ (eles <> [end])

buildCArray :: LLVM.Type -> [LLVM.Constant] -> (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Constant)
buildCArray typ vals = (LLVM.ArrayType (fromIntegral $ length vals) typ, LLVM.Array typ vals)
{-# INLINE buildCArray #-}

newtype Bits = Bits { getBits :: Integer } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Num, Real) via Integer

buildCInt :: Bits -> Integer -> (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Constant)
buildCInt (Bits (fromInteger -> bits)) val = (LLVM.IntegerType bits, LLVM.Int bits val)
{-# INLINE buildCInt #-}

buildCFloat :: Float -> (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Constant)
buildCFloat val = (LLVM.FloatingPointType LLVM.FloatFP, LLVM.Float (LLVM.Single val))
{-# INLINE buildCFloat #-}

buildCDouble :: Double -> (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Constant)
buildCDouble val = (LLVM.FloatingPointType LLVM.DoubleFP, LLVM.Float (LLVM.Double val))
{-# INLINE buildCDouble #-}

buildCStruct :: Maybe LLVM.Name -> Bool -> [(LLVM.Type, LLVM.Constant)] -> (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Constant)
buildCStruct name'maybe isPacked fields =
case name'maybe of
Just name -> (LLVM.NamedTypeReference name, constant)
Nothing -> (LLVM.StructureType isPacked $ fst <$> fields, constant)
constant = LLVM.Struct name'maybe isPacked $ snd <$> fields

buildCOperand :: (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Constant) -> (LLVM.Type, LLVM.Operand)
buildCOperand = fmap LLVM.ConstantOperand
{-# INLINE buildCOperand #-}

constantOperand :: LLVM.Constant -> LLVM.Operand
constantOperand = LLVM.ConstantOperand
{-# INLINE constantOperand #-}

-- ** Instruction builder
82 changes: 36 additions & 46 deletions bootstrap/src/Compiler/CodeGen/LLVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
{- * Module where we emit llvm ir code
Resolve type -> generate LLVM IR -> return the IR Module
{- * Module where we generate llvm IR

module Compiler.CodeGen.LLVM
LLVMIRGen (..)
, genExpr

, GlobalResource (..)
, declGen

Expand All @@ -23,25 +22,27 @@ import Language.Core hiding (Type, Constraint)
import Tlang.Generic ((:+:) (..))
import Language.Core.Extension

import Compiler.Backend.LLVM.Definition (MonadLLVMBuilder)
import Compiler.Backend.LLVM.Runtime (globalString)

import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Capability.Reader (HasReader, asks, ask, local)
import Capability.State (HasState, gets, modify, get)
import Control.Monad (when, foldM, forM, join)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (when, foldM, forM)

class LLVMIRGen m f where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint (m :: Type -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type) :: Constraint
genOperand :: (MonadModuleBuilder m, MonadIRBuilder m, LLVMIRGenConstraint m f)
type LLVMIRGenContext (m :: Type -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type) :: Constraint
genOperand :: (MonadLLVMBuilder m, LLVMIRGenContext m f)
=> f (m (LLVM.Type, Operand)) -> m (LLVM.Type, Operand)

genExpr :: ( HasReader "local" [(name, (LLVM.Type, Operand))] m
, HasState "global" [(name, (LLVM.Type, Operand))] m
, MonadFail m
, Show name, Eq name
, MonadModuleBuilder m, MonadIRBuilder m
, LLVMIRGen m f, LLVMIRGenConstraint m f, Functor f
, LLVMIRGen m f, LLVMIRGenContext m f, Functor f
=> Expr f name -> m (LLVM.Type, Operand)
genExpr = cata go
Expand All @@ -54,16 +55,16 @@ genExpr = cata go
go (ExprF fv) = genOperand fv

instance (LLVMIRGen m f, LLVMIRGen m g) => LLVMIRGen m (f :+: g) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m (f :+: g) = (LLVMIRGenConstraint m f, LLVMIRGenConstraint m g)
type LLVMIRGenContext m (f :+: g) = (LLVMIRGenContext m f, LLVMIRGenContext m g)
genOperand (Inl fv) = genOperand fv
genOperand (Inr fv) = genOperand fv

instance LLVMIRGen m (Value typ) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m (Value typ) = (MonadFail m)
type LLVMIRGenContext m (Value typ) = (MonadFail m)
genOperand _ = fail "VisibleType is not supported for now"

instance LLVMIRGen m Apply where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m Apply = (MonadFail m)
type LLVMIRGenContext m Apply = (MonadFail m)
genOperand (Apply mf ma mas) = do
(ftyp, f) <- mf
(typ, args) <- case ftyp of
Expand All @@ -77,32 +78,23 @@ instance LLVMIRGen m Apply where
res <- call typ f ((,[]) <$> a:as)
return (typ, res)

data GlobalResource = GlobalResource
{ strStore :: Map.Map String Operand

instance LLVMIRGen m LiteralText where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m LiteralText = (HasState "resource" GlobalResource m, HasState "unnamed" Word m)
type LLVMIRGenContext m LiteralText = (HasState "unnamed" Word m)
genOperand (LiteralText (Literal (unpack -> text))) = do
resource <- gets @"resource" strStore
case Map.lookup text resource of
Just val -> return (LLVM.ptr, val)
Nothing -> do
name <- modify @"unnamed" (+1) >> get @"unnamed"
val <- LLVM.ConstantOperand <$> globalStringPtr text (LLVM.UnName name)
modify @"resource" \r -> r { strStore = Map.insert text val (strStore r) }
return (LLVM.ptr, val)
name <- modify @"unnamed" (+1) >> get @"unnamed"
val <- globalString text (LLVM.UnName name)
return (LLVM.ptr, val)

instance LLVMIRGen m LiteralNumber where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m LiteralNumber = ()
type LLVMIRGenContext m LiteralNumber = ()
genOperand (LiteralNumber (Literal num)) = return (LLVM.double , LLVMC.double num)

instance LLVMIRGen m LiteralInteger where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m LiteralInteger = ()
type LLVMIRGenContext m LiteralInteger = ()
genOperand (LiteralInteger (Literal num)) = return (LLVM.i32 , LLVMC.int32 num)

instance LLVMIRGen m Tuple where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m Tuple = ()
type LLVMIRGenContext m Tuple = ()
genOperand (Tuple ms) = do
vals <- sequence ms
let typ = LLVM.StructureType False $ fst <$> vals
Expand All @@ -113,8 +105,8 @@ instance LLVMIRGen m Tuple where
(typ,) <$> load typ ptr 1

instance LLVMIRGen m binder => LLVMIRGen m (Let binder) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m (Let binder) =
( LLVMIRGenConstraint m binder, HasState "unnamed" Word m
type LLVMIRGenContext m (Let binder) =
( LLVMIRGenContext m binder, HasState "unnamed" Word m
, HasReader "destruct" [(LLVM.Type, Operand)] m
, HasReader "context" (m (LLVM.Type, Operand)) m
Expand All @@ -123,7 +115,7 @@ instance LLVMIRGen m binder => LLVMIRGen m (Let binder) where
$ genOperand binder

instance LLVMIRGen m (Grp g) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m (Grp g) = ()
type LLVMIRGenContext m (Grp g) = ()
genOperand _ = error "not implemented"

-- | a pattern itself is no more than a parser combinator targeting
Expand All @@ -135,27 +127,27 @@ instance LLVMIRGen m (Grp g) where
-- accumulated effects to its branch value.
instance LLVMIRGen m lit => LLVMIRGen m (Pattern lit ext label name) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m (Pattern lit ext label name) =
type LLVMIRGenContext m (Pattern lit ext label name) =
( HasState "unnamed" Word m
, HasReader "destruct" [(LLVM.Type, Operand)] m
, HasReader "isPattern" Bool m
, HasReader "context" (m (LLVM.Type, Operand)) m
, HasReader "local" [(name, (LLVM.Type, Operand))] m
, HasState "pattern" [(name, (LLVM.Type, Operand))] m
, MonadFail m, Functor lit, Functor ext
, LLVMIRGenConstraint m lit
, LLVMIRGenContext m lit
genOperand v = do
(binds, _) <- cata go v
ask @"context" >>= local @"local" (binds <>)
ret a = (LLVM.i1, LLVMC.bit a)
retBool a = (LLVM.i1, LLVMC.bit a)
getValue = ask @"destruct" >>= \case
a:_ -> return a
_ -> fail "Internal error: pattern var doesn't have destructor value"
go PatWildF = return ([], ret 1)
go PatUnitF = return ([], ret 0) -- FIXME: complete definition
go (PatVarF name) = getValue >>= \a -> return ([(name, a)], ret 1)
go PatWildF = return ([], retBool 1)
go PatUnitF = return ([], retBool 0) -- FIXME: complete definition
go (PatVarF name) = getValue >>= \a -> return ([(name, a)], retBool 1)
go (PatPrmF _) = error "undefined literal match" -- local @"isPattern" (const True) $ genOperand lv
go (PatTupF ls) = do
(typ, val) <- getValue
Expand All @@ -172,31 +164,31 @@ instance LLVMIRGen m lit => LLVMIRGen m (Pattern lit ext label name) where
Right t -> return t
Left err -> fail $ "LLVM: " <> err
local @"destruct" (const [(t, v)]) mend
return (fst =<< res, ret 1)
return (fst =<< res, retBool 1)
go _ = error "not yet defined pattern code"

instance LLVMIRGen m (Record Label) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m (Record Label) = ()
type LLVMIRGenContext m (Record Label) = ()
genOperand _ = do
error "record not defined"

instance LLVMIRGen m (Selector l) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m (Selector l) = ()
type LLVMIRGenContext m (Selector l) = ()
genOperand _ = do
error "selector not defined"

instance LLVMIRGen m (Constructor l) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m (Constructor l) = ()
type LLVMIRGenContext m (Constructor l) = ()
genOperand _ = do
error "constructor not defined"

instance LLVMIRGen m pattern' => LLVMIRGen m (Equation pattern' prefix) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m (Equation pattern' prefix) = ()
type LLVMIRGenContext m (Equation pattern' prefix) = ()
genOperand _ = do
error "lambda not defined"

instance LLVMIRGen m ((@:) typ) where
type LLVMIRGenConstraint m ((@:) typ) = ()
type LLVMIRGenContext m ((@:) typ) = ()
genOperand (v :@ _) = v

-- **** global definition
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,5 +223,3 @@ instance GlobalGen (Item (FFI typ Name)) Name where
type instance GlobalGenEnv m (UserValue expr (Maybe typ)) a = ()
instance GlobalGen (UserValue expr (Maybe typ)) a where
genGlobal _ = return Nothing

-- :+: UserData [Prefix Name typ] (UserDataDef (UserPhantom :+: UserCoerce :+: UserEnum Label :+: UserStruct Label) typ)

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