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StackStorm in Docker Compose

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This docker-compose is provided as a way to allow "get up and running" quickly with StackStorm using Docker (based on st2-dockerfiles). It is not designed to be used in production, but rather a way to test out StackStorm and facilitate pack development.

If you need Highly Availability experience, there is Kubernetes installation available via Helm charts at


docker-compose up -d && ./scripts/snpseq/ # this starts the containers and installs snpseq_packs
docker-compose exec st2client bash  # this gives you access to the st2 command line

Open http://localhost/ in your browser. StackStorm Username/Password by default is: st2admin/Ch@ngeMe.



Compose Configuration

The image version, exposed ports, chatops, and "" directory are configurable with environment variables.

  • ST2_VERSION this is the tag at the end of the docker image (ie: stackstorm/st2api:v3.3.0)
  • ST2_IMAGE_REPO The image or path to the images. Default is "stackstorm/". You may change this is using the Enterprise version or a private docker repository.
  • ST2_EXPOSE_HTTP Port to expose st2web port 80 on. Default is, and you may want to do to expose on all interfaces.
  • ST2_PACKS_DEV Directory to development packs, absolute or relative to docker-compose.yml. This allows you to develop packs locally. Default is ./ When making a number of packs, it is recommended to make a directory outside of st2-docker, with each subdirectory underneath that being an independent git repo. Example: ST2_PACKS_DEV=${HOME}/mypacks, with ${HOME}/mypacks/st2-helloworld being a git repo for the "helloworld" pack.
  • ST2_CHATOPS_ENABLE To enable chatops, set this variable to any non-zero value. Also ensure that your environment settings are configured for your chatops adapter (see the st2chatops service environment comments/settings for more info)
  • HUBOT_ADAPTER Chat service adapter to use (see
  • HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN If using the Slack adapter, this is your "Bot User OAuth Access Token"


The files/htpasswd file is provided with a default username of st2admin and a default password of Ch@ngeMe. This can be changed using the htpasswd utility.

Another file (files/st2-cli.conf) contains default credentials and is mounted into the "st2client" container. If you change credentials in htpasswd, you will probably want to change them in st2-cli.conf.

Further configuration

The base st2 docker images have a built-in /etc/st2/st2.conf configuration file. Each st2 Docker image will load:

  • /etc/st2/st2.conf (default st2.conf)
  • /etc/st2/st2.docker.conf (values here will override st2.conf)
  • /etc/st2/st2.user.conf (values here will override st2.docker.conf)

Review st2.docker.conf for currently set values, and it is recommended to place overrides in st2.user.conf.

If you want to utilize a custom config for StackStorm Web UI (st2web container), you can do that by editing files/config.js file and mounting it as a volume inside the container as per example in docker-compose.yml.

Chatops configuration

Chatops settings are configured in the environment section for the st2chatops service in docker-compose.yml

Set ST2_CHATOPS_ENABLE to any non-zero value, then edit the various HUBOT_ variables specific to your chatops adapter. See for the full list of supported adapters and example ENV variables.

You will also need an st2 API key for chatops. This should be set in ST2_API_KEY.

To generate an API key, see the StackStorm documentation.

Note: If you are standing up st2 for the first time, you may first need to start with chatops initially disabled so you can generate an API key. Once this is done, set it in ST2_API_KEY, enable chatops as per above and docker-compose restart to restart your st2 stack.

RBAC Configuration

Starting with v3.4.0 RBAC is now included, but not enabled, by default. There are some default assignments, mappings, and roles that ship with st2-docker. All the configuration files for RBAC are kept in ./files/rbac. Consult the st2 RBAC documentation for further information.

To enable RBAC you can edit st2.user.conf and add the following options:

enable = True
backend = default

Any changes made to RBAC assignments, mappings, or roles have to be synced in order to take effect. Normally running st2-apply-rbac-definitions will sync the files, but because all database information is not in the standard st2.conf file you need to specify the config file

To sync RBAC changes in st2client:

st2-apply-rbac-definitions --config-file /etc/st2/st2.docker.conf

LDAP is also a feature that is now included, but not enabled, by default. Roles to LDAP groups can be configured in ./files/rbac/mappings. Consult the st2 LDAP documentation for further information

Step by step first time instructions

First, optionally set and export all the environment variables you want to change. You could make an .env file with customizations.


export ST2_PACKS_DEV=$HOME/projects/stackstorm-packs

Secondly make any customizations to files/st2.user.conf, files/htpasswd, and files/st2-cli.conf.


To enable sharing code between actions and sensors, add these two lines to files/st2.user.conf:

enable_common_libs = True

Third, start the docker environment:

docker-compose up -d

This will pull the required images from docker hub, and then start them.

To stop the docker environment, run:

docker-compose down

If you make changes to docker-compose.yml you may want to ensure that old volumes etc. are removed:

docker-compose down --remove-orphans -v


Startup errors

If your system has SELinux enabled you will likely see problems with st2 startup, specifically the st2makesecrets container will repeatedly restart and docker logs shows:

/bin/bash: / Permission denied

The fix is to disable SELinux (or to put it in permissive mode).

  • Disable temporarily with: setenforce 0
  • Change to use permissive mode on the next reboot with: sed -ie 's|^SELINUX=.*|SELINUX=permissive|' /etc/selinux/config


  • Chatops has been minimally tested using the Slack hubot adapter. Other adapter types may require some tweaking to the environment settings for the st2chatops service in docker-compose.yml

  • The git status output on the !packs get command doesn't appear to work fully.

  • Use docker-compose logs st2chatops to check the chatops logs if you are having problems getting chatops to work

Regular Usage

To run st2 commands, you can use the st2client service:

docker-compose exec st2client st2 <st2 command>


$ docker-compose exec st2client st2 run core.echo message=hello
id: 5eb30d77afe5aa8493f31187
action.ref: core.echo
context.user: st2admin
  message: hello
status: succeeded
start_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:18:15 UTC
end_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:18:15 UTC
  failed: false
  return_code: 0
  stderr: ''
  stdout: hello
  succeeded: true

Alternatively, you could run docker-compose exec st2client bash to be dropped into a container with st2. At that point, you can just run st2 commands.


$ docker-compose exec st2client bash
Welcome to StackStorm v3.3.0 (Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS GNU/Linux x86_64)
 * Documentation:
 * Community:
 * Forum:

 Here you can use StackStorm CLI. Examples:
   st2 action list --pack=core
   st2 run core.local cmd=date
   st2 run core.local_sudo cmd='apt-get update' --tail
   st2 execution list

root@aaabd11745f0:/opt/stackstorm# st2 run core.echo message="from the inside"
id: 5eb310f571af8f57a4582430
action.ref: core.echo
context.user: st2admin
  message: from the inside
status: succeeded
start_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:33:09 UTC
end_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:33:09 UTC
  failed: false
  return_code: 0
  stderr: ''
  stdout: from the inside
  succeeded: true

Pack Configuration

Pack configs will be in /opt/stackstorm/configs/$PACKNAME, which is a docker volume shared between st2api, st2actionrunner, and st2sensorcontainer. You can use the st2 pack config <packname> in the st2client container in order to configure a pack.

Use st2 pack config

$ docker-compose exec st2client st2 pack config git
repositories[0].branch [master]:
~~~ Would you like to add another item to  "repositories" array / list? [y]: n
Do you want to preview the config in an editor before saving? [y]: n
Do you want me to save it? [y]: y
| Property | Value                                                        |
| id       | 5eb3164f566aa824ea88f536                                     |
| pack     | git                                                          |
| values   | {                                                            |
|          |     "repositories": [                                        |
|          |         {                                                    |
|          |             "url":                                           |
|          | "",         |
|          |             "branch": "master"                               |
|          |         }                                                    |
|          |     ]                                                        |
|          | }                                                            |

Copy a config file into a container

First, find the actual container name of st2api by running docker-compose ps st2api.

$ docker-compose ps st2api
      Name                    Command               State    Ports
compose_st2api_1   /opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/st ...   Up      9101/tcp

Next, use docker cp to copy your file into place.

docker cp git.yaml compose_st2api_1:/opt/stackstorm/configs/git.yaml

Register the pack config

If you used docker cp to copy the config in, you will need to manually load that configuration. The st2client service does not need access to the configs directory, as it will talk to st2api.

$ docker-compose exec st2client st2 run packs.load packs=git register=configs
id: 5eb3171c566aa824ea88f538
action.ref: packs.load
context.user: st2admin
  - git
  register: configs
status: succeeded
start_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:59:24 UTC
end_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:59:25 UTC
  exit_code: 0
    configs: 1
  stdout: ''

Local Pack Development

See Create and Contribute a Pack for how to actually develop a pack.

If you are working on a development pack, you will need to register it and install the virutalenv (if it's python). directory

As mentioned above, your default directory is relative to your docker-compose.yml file. However, if you start developing here, git will not like being inside another git directory. You will want to set ST2_PACKS_DEV to a directory outside of st2-docker and restart the docker-compose services.

Example: We have a pack called helloworld in The directory name has to match the pack name. So even if you have a git repo named "st2-helloworld", it should be cloned locally as "helloworld".

For these examples, we will be operating inside the st2client container.

Register the pack

Register the pack by running st2 run packs.load packs=<pack1>,<pack2> register=all. Alternatively you can specify different register option (like register=actions) to focus on the parts you need to (re)register. You will be running this command a lot as you develop actions, sensors, rules and workflows.

root@aaabd11745f0:/opt/stackstorm# st2 run packs.load packs=helloworld register=all
id: 5eb3100f71af8f57a458241f
action.ref: packs.load
context.user: st2admin
  - helloworld
  register: all
status: succeeded
start_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:29:19 UTC
end_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:29:21 UTC
  exit_code: 0
    actions: 13
    aliases: 0
    configs: 0
    policies: 0
    policy_types: 3
    rule_types: 2
    rules: 0
    runners: 15
    sensors: 0
    triggers: 0

Create the Python Virtual Environment

If you are using python-runners in your locally developed pack, you will need to create the virtual environment by hand. You should typically only have to run this if you have changed your requirements.txt.

To setup the virtual environment: st2 run packs.setup_virtualenv packs=<pack1>,<pack2>

root@aaabd11745f0:/opt/stackstorm# st2 run packs.setup_virtualenv packs=helloworld
id: 5eb311f871af8f57a4582433
action.ref: packs.setup_virtualenv
context.user: st2admin
  - helloworld
status: succeeded
start_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:37:28 UTC
end_timestamp: Wed, 06 May 2020 19:37:36 UTC
  exit_code: 0
  result: 'Successfully set up virtualenv for the following packs: helloworld'
  stderr: 'st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: DEBUG    Setting up virtualenv for pack "helloworld" (/opt/stackstorm/
    st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: INFO     Virtualenv path "/opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/helloworld" doesn''t exist
    st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: DEBUG    Creating virtualenv for pack "helloworld" in "/opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/helloworld"
    st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: DEBUG    Creating virtualenv in "/opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/helloworld" using Python binary "/opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/python"
    st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: DEBUG    Running command "/opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/virtualenv -p /opt/stackstorm/st2/bin/python --always-copy --no-download /opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/helloworld" to create virtualenv.
    st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: DEBUG    Installing base requirements
    st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: DEBUG    Installing requirement six>=1.9.0,<2.0 with command /opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/helloworld/bin/pip install six>=1.9.0,<2.0.
    st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: DEBUG    Installing pack specific requirements from "/opt/stackstorm/"
    st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: DEBUG    Installing requirements from file /opt/stackstorm/ with command /opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/helloworld/bin/pip install -U -r /opt/stackstorm/
    st2.actions.python.SetupVirtualEnvironmentAction: DEBUG    Virtualenv for pack "helloworld" successfully created in "/opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs/helloworld"
  stdout: ''

Remove everything

If you want to uninstall, or start from a "clean" installation, docker-compose can remove all the containers and volumes in one command.

docker-compose down --remove-orphans -v


Testing st2-docker is now powered by BATS Bash Automated Testing System. A "sidecar" like container loads the BATS libraries and binaries into a st2client-like container to run the tests

To run the tests

docker-compose -f tests/st2tests.yaml up

To do a clean teardown

docker-compose -f tests/st2tests.yaml down -v


No packages published


  • Shell 88.1%
  • JavaScript 11.9%