This is a collection of ODD documents to generate TEI with MEI XML schemas using Roma (command line only). Pre-generated RelaxNGs are included.
The MEI source is up-to-date with the 2013 release. N.B. It has been altered to include internal prefixes to avoid conflicts with TEI elements with the same name.
For more information visit:
- The TEI Music SIG webspace
- The TEI with Music Notation Guidelines
- The TEI Music SIG wiki
To generate a new schema, you will need to use the TEI Stylesheets.
If you have a Unix machine, use the teitorelaxng
script provided with the stylesheets:
$ bin/teitorelaxng PATH_TO/tei-mei/tei_mei.xml PATH_TO/tei-mei/schemata/tei_mei.rng
There are two things to keep in mind:
- To load MEI modules, use @source
<moduleRef key="MEI" source="mei-source.xml"/>
- the elementSpec for notatedMusic must be changed to include MEI at various levels. See any of the ODDs as an example.
If you create a new ODD, please consider forking this repo and sending a pull request!
The process to update to another MEI version, elements and classes in the MEI ODD must be prefixed to avoid conflicts with TEI elements and classes.
- Get the MEI source from GitHub.
- Run utils/add_prefixes.xsl to generate a new mei-source.xml with prefixes.