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Olga Naumenko edited this page May 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Symcretes and Concretizing Solver


Symcretes are symbolic variables associated with concrete values. This functionality is implemented as a patch for the KLEE symbolic execution engine. When used as part of a concolic memory model in KLEE, symcretes allow to reduce the computational complexity for most of the queries to an SMT solver.

They also help to maintain complex features, such as lazily initialized objects or objects of symbolic size. Symcretes make it possible to hold an appropriate model for each state along the execution path.

Formally, this feature is a modified Observer pattern for ExecutionState. It subscribes to a solver and decorates the queries. It handles the received responses to modify internal objects.


During symbolic execution, we may receive multiple symbolic values, e.g., reading from symbolic arrays, or complex expressions like xor for sums and products. Solvers take time to deal with such kind of constraints. Suggesting a solution for a part of them may optimize computation of these queries.

The feature allows to maintain a concrete model for the objects marked as symcretes during symbolic execution, and dynamically modify them.

Array sources

During symbolic execution, symbolic arrays may have different sources, so they get a new characteristic — SymbolicSource, i.e., an array source. Array source indicates how an array has been created. For example, arrays containing symbolic addresses differ from arrays holding symbolic object content. To create an array source, one can call SourceBuilder. Usually, array sources are stateless — in this case, SourceBuilder just returns the corresponding static field values (ConstantSource or MakeSymbolicSource). Sometimes array sources do have parameters (like ConstantWithSymbolicSize having the defaultValue field), so the new source instances are created.


Symcrete is an association between a symbolic array, and an exact value set for it. These associations are explicitly stored as Assignment in ConstraintsSet. Public interface for using ConstraintSet is:

  • Constraints::updateConcretization
  • Constraints::getConcretization

To use symcretes effectively, one should engage ConcretizationManager and ConcretizingSolver.

Concretizing solver

Concretizing solver is the core solver for symcretes.

For every query that should be sent to an SMT solver, the concretizing solver adds symcrete constraints — equality constraints between symbolic expressions and concrete values.

This functionality was added to all optimizing solvers inside the KLEE engine. Previously, all of them could only ask if a query was true or compute initial values. From now, each solver returns either ValidResponse or InvalidResponse (we are working with a theorem prover, not just a SAT solver).

  • ValidResponse is a response containing validityCore — formulas that make a theorem valid.
  • InvalidResponse is a response containing counterexample values for a query — values that make the theorem invalid.

We usually expect to get InvalidResponse from the concretizing solver: concretizing symcretes with current ConstraintSet may accidentally prove the query (as we restricted values with symcrete constraints). To overcome that, we should remove all the symcrete constraints and re-send a non-concretized query to the SMT solver. Usually, we do not remove all of them. To identify those affecting validity, we look into validityCore and search for all the constraints related to symcretes — we get symcrete-related arrays from validityCore by their sources. As soon as we remove these symcrete-related arrays, we send the partly-concretized query to the SMT solver. We can repeat this operation as validity cores do not always hold all the constraints causing “valid” or “invalid” verdicts (it depends on how an underlying SMT solver is implemented).

This constraint relaxation is performed in the ConcretizationManager::relaxSymcreteConstraints function. Here, the additional processing is performed to do concretization properly (one of the use cases for symcretes is the Symbolic size feature).

Concretization manager

ConcretizationManager stores concrete values related to the symcretes received from ConcretizingSolver (that is Assignment).

Note: for each ExecutionState there must be symcrete constraints that do not contradict to the initial set of constraints. In other words, we must always maintain the model for symcretes.

Other applications

Symcretes make our symbolic size implementation different from similar approaches: in our patch, it is possible to add a value that should be interpreted as symbolic but cannot receive a model from an SMT solver.

Symcretes may be useful for fuzzing the external calls, which are challenging for symbolic execution. When we do not know exactly what the function does, we can find the possible argument values and make a direct call to the function. These values should comply with the function properties. In other words, we concretize symbolic values if we meet an external function call.

To improve the behavior for external calls, we can use fuzzing. Each call to a function being analysed produces a model for both arguments and a return value. A fuzzer can be regarded as a solver with a different algorithm inside. We cannot treat arguments and return values as pure symbolic ones: they only can get values from the fuzzer. And this is how we can use symcretes: to store values that cannot be purely symbolic but behave similarly. For the objects of symbolic sizes, we make both size and address symcrete.

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