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Model Predictive Control Local Planner Plugin for move_base navigation stack

Works in ros-melodic version.

Temporary working environment (morse simulator and maps from my master course).

Before Run

Install Ipopt: Please refer the tutorial in "document/ipopt_install".

Put this in your launch file like a normal move_base plugin and load the params file:

  <param name="base_local_planner" value="mpc_local_planner_mb/MPCLocalPlannerMBROS" />
  <rosparam file="$(find mpc_local_planner_mb)/cfg/mpc_params.yaml" command="load" />

Parameters yaml file:

  • debug_info: For internal ros warnings info for computations of steering, speed, cte and more values.

  • delay_mode: Added a delay mode equals to differential time(dt)

  • max_speed: Max speed value

  • min_speed: Min speed value

  • goal_radius: value for goal radius (in meters)

  • controller_freq: Value to syschronize the planner with control loop of move base, (in our case didn't solve the problem of control loop failure)

  • mpc_max_steering: Value of the maximum available steering

  • mpc_max_throttle: Value for the maximum accelaration

  • mpc_steps: Value for setting the horizon of MPC ( really big means high computation)

  • mpc_ref_cte + mpc_w_cte: values for cte error caclculation in cost function

  • mpc_ref_epsi + mpc_w_epsi: values for orientation error caclculation in cost function

  • mpc_ref_vel + mpc_w_vel: values for speed error caclculation in cost function

  • The rest values were based in the external reference


New rviz.

New map file.

Code optimization.

Yaw tolerance.

Global functionality.

External Reference

HyphaROS MPC MiniCar(


MPC Local Planner Plugin for move_base, ROS melodic.







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