Three layered Neural Network to interpret the numerical value of digits from its visual representations.
This is introductory project to ML & Neural Network Architecture.
Made using numpy and math.
Dataset: Built using the MNIST handwritten digit database, consisting of 'm' training images, with each image spanning 28 x 28 pixels.
Input Layer (l=[0]): Input Layer has 784 nodes, each representing one pixel in an image of 28 by 28 pixels.
Output Layer (l=[2]): Output Layer has 10 nodes, each representing a possible numerical prediction ranging from 0 to 9.
Z[i] : Z(X) is a set of functions for each unit to predict the output given the set of inputs 'X'. Each function is a linear combination of the scalar product of the weight 'w [i]', a descriptor of the relative significance of the input and the previous, 'A [i]' plus a constant bias term, 'b [i]', controlling the affect of the activation function on each node.
A[0] : input layer with the set of inputs, 'X'.
A[1] : ReLU activation function for Z[1]. This function returns 0 for any negative value of x and returns the value x for any positive value.
A[2] : Softmax activation function for Z[1] which provides a multinomial probability distribution for each of the possible numerical outputs from 0 through 9.
dZ[i] : Calculating error in each layer
dW[i] & db[i] : Calculating the contribution of weights and biases to error in each layer.
Updating individual parameters with a user-defined learning rate, α for gradient descent