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Autopopulating Dropdown Menus

Vijaivir Dhaliwal edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 13 revisions

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Home > CHEFS Components > Custom Components > Autopopulating Dropdown Menus


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(Experimental Feature) Autopopulates the values of select list drop-downs with some advanced settings. For instance, the list of ministry names, or the list of ministry sectors.
Demonstrates how to implement the cascading dropdown menu effect, where the selected value of one dropdown populates the values of another select list.

Autopopulate values of the Select component (Tutorial)

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Option 1 - Autopopulate a "Ministry Name" Select field with the full list of ministries

Using a URL to a raw JSON file as the source for your "select" component dropdown menu values

This example uses JSON data from a BCGov github repo called Ministry Org Names.

  1. Drag on a new Select field from the Advanced Fields section
  2. Give it a label "Ministry"
  3. check the API tab that the Property Value shows as "ministry"
  4. On the Data tab use the following configuration for each of the required fields in the table below
Configuration Field Comments Value to Enter.
Data Source Type URL
Data Source URL
Lazy Load Data your choice checked
Data Path items[0].organizations[5].ministries
Storage Type your choice Autotype
Value Property can be name or acronym name
Item Template <span>{{ }}</span>
Enable Static Search your choice checked

For all other values use the defaults. If done correctly, the preview window will now show the JSON data in the select list drop-down.
Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 11 35 34 AM

Option 2 - Autopopulate a "Sector Name" Select field with the full list of sectors

Using a URL to a raw JSON file as the source for your "select" component dropdown menu values

This example uses JSON data from a BCGov github repo called Ministry Org Names.

  1. Drag on a new Select field from the Advanced Fields section
  2. Give it a label "Sector"
  3. check the API tab that the Property Value shows as "sector"
  4. On the Data tab use the following configuration for each of the required fields in the table below
Configuration Field Comments Value to Enter.
Data Source Type URL
Data Source URL
Lazy Load Data your choice unchecked
Data Path items[1].sectors
Storage Type your choice Autotype
Value Property sectorname
Item Template <span>{{ item.sectorname }}</span>
Enable Static Search your choice checked

Option 3 - Auto populate the values of a "Ministry" Select component based on the selected Sector name

Uses the selected value (a JSON object) of Option 2 as the source for your "Text Field" component value

  1. Drag on a new Text Field from the Advanced Fields section
  2. Give it a label "Sector Ministry"
  3. For the Placeholder, type To begin, first select a Sector
  4. On the Data tab use the following configuration for each of the required fields in the table below
Configuration Field Comments Value to Enter or Select
Data Source Type Custom
Storage Type Autotype
Item Template clear this field
Refresh Option On Sector
Clear Value On Refresh Options checked
Enable Static Search your choice unchecked
Custom Default Value To automatically select first item in the prepopulated dropdown value = instance.defaultDownloadedResources[0];
Custom Values javascript code see below

Custom Values JavaScript code

if (data.sector !== "") {
  values = Promise.resolve(
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((json) => {
          const ministries = json.items[1].sectors.filter(sector => sector.sectorname === data.sector)[0].ministries;
          return =>;

For all other values use the defaults.
If done correctly, selecting a value for Sector will autopopulate the values of this select list drop-down.

**TLDR** Explanation of the **Custom Values** JavaScript ```data.sector``` contains the value that was selected for the question named "sector". The value contains a JSON Object that consisting of the sectorname as well as a list of ministries.

Example for the Natural Resource Sector:

      "sectors": [
          "sectorname": "Natural Resource Sector",
          "ministries": [
            {"name": "Agriculture and Food", "acronym": "AF"},
            {"name": "Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation", "acronym": "EMLI"},
            {"name": "Environment and Climate Change Strategy", "acronym": "ENV"},
            {"name": "Forests", "acronym": "FOR"},
            {"name": "Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation", "acronym": "IRR"},
            {"name": "Water, Land and Resource Stewardship", "acronym": "WLRS"}

The block of JavaScript fetches the full list of all sectors and ministries and uses the data.sector value to filter the list of values that it will display as the options in this Select component.

Option 4 - Auto populate the values of a "Primary Sector" Select component based on the selected Ministy name

Uses the selected value (a JSON object) of Option 1 as the source for your "Select" component value

  1. Drag on a new Select component from the Advanced Fields section
  2. Give it a label "Primary Sector"
  3. For the Placeholder, type To begin, first select a Ministry
  4. On the Data tab use the following configuration for each of the required fields in the table below
Configuration Field Comments Value to Enter or Select
Data Source Type Custom
Storage Type Autotype
Item Template clear this field
Refresh Option On Sector
Clear Value On Refresh Options checked
Enable Static Search your choice unchecked
Custom Default Value To automatically select first item in the prepopulated dropdown value = instance.defaultDownloadedResources[0];
Custom Values javascript code see below

Custom Values JavaScript code

if (data.ministry !== "") {
  values = Promise.resolve(
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((json) => {
          return [json.items[0].organizations[5].ministries.filter(min => === data.ministry)[0].sectors[0].sectorname];

For all other values use the defaults.
If done correctly, selecting a value for Sector will autopopulate the values of this select list drop-down.

**TLDR** Explanation of the **Custom Values** JavaScript ```data.sector``` contains the value that was selected for the question named "sector". The value contains a JSON Object that consisting of the sectorname as well as a list of ministries.

Example for the Natural Resource Sector:

"sectors": [
     "sectorname": "Governance Sector"
     "sectorname": "Economy Sector"

The block of JavaScript fetches the full list of all sectors and ministries and uses the data.ministry value to filter the list of values that it will display as the options in this Select component.

Conditional logic

Show and hide form fields with conditional logic. In the provided example for this page we used a Simple Conditional for the "Secondary Sector" field which hides itself when "Primary Sector" has an empty value. To express an empty value or a field that has nothing entered, just leave the "Has the value:" field blank.

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