MarIOnette is a Blender plugin for controlling Arduino-based microcontrollers over Serial
MarIOnette has been tested on most AVR-Based Arduino-compatible microcontrollers. ARM-Based Teensy microcontrollers (Teensy) have also been verified. Other microcontrollers have not yet been tested.
A more general video describing the interface, mixing motors + LEDs, and gotchas is coming soon!
- Blender 3.2 or above (Versions as early as 3.0 have been tested to work)
- Arduino 2.0 (Earlier versions have also been tested to work)
- Install the following libraries for Arduino:
- AccelStepper
- PWMServo
- Adaftui_Neopixel
- Install the following libraries for Arduino:
- Download the file from the Blender Plugin folder
- Open Blender
- Go to edit > preferences
- Select "Add Ons"
- Click on "Install" in the upper right
- A browser should pop up. Navigate to the .zip file you downloaded and select it
- Click on the check box next to the add-on to enable it
- To view MarIOnette, press 'N' to bring up the side bar
- Download the file from the Blender Plugin folder
- (IMPORTANT) Open Blender as Administrator
- Go to edit > preferences
- Select "Add Ons"
- Click on "Install" in the upper right
- A browser should pop up. Navigate to the .zip file you downloaded and select it
- Click on the check box next to the add-on to enable it
- To view MarIOnette, press 'N' to bring up the side bar
- Add actuators inside the actuator panel
- Add leds inside the LEDs panel
- Make sure you select all the correct pins as they are attached to your microcontroller
- In the sync panel, name your project and select a save directory
- Hit "Sync"
- Open your file browser and navigate to the project you just created
- Open the MarIOnette_Template_V1.ino file; Arduino should launch
- Plug in your microcontroller
- Specify your board and serial port
- Hit "Upload"
- Back inside Blender, Enable Serial in the MarIOnette Serial panel
- Refresh the serial ports and select the desired port
- Press "Connect"
- Go through your actuators and adjust the mapping values until the viewport matches what's on your desk
- For bones:
- Move the bone to the minimum angle value (-90 by default)
- Change the minimum mapped value (1000 by default) until you have a match
- Move the bone to the maximum angle value (90 by default)
- Change the maximum mapped value (2000 by default) until you have a match
- Repeat for all actuators
- For bones:
For MarIOnette to send values to the microcontroller, you must keep the MarIOnette tab open and visible in your Blender viewport
Servos PWM
ON/OFF(Solenoids) Dynamixels and Bus Servos
Support for more actuators and features coming soon...
Have Fun!