This repository contains the code for the interactive browser of EpiMap data resource.
The project's main site can be found at
You can run the browser directly on your computer using the code in this repository and the shiny
library in R as follows:
# Install shiny and other required packages:
pkgs = c('cba', 'DT', 'heatmaply', 'igraph', 'markdown', 'RColorBrewer',
'shiny', 'shinycssloaders', 'shinydashboard', 'shinyjs', 'shinythemes', 'shinyTree', 'shinyWidgets',
'stringr', 'tidyr', 'visNetwork')
# Check for missing packages:
new.pkgs <- pkgs[!(pkgs %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
# Install the missing packages:
if (length(new.pkgs)) install.packages(new.pkgs, dependencies=TRUE)
# Download and run the app from github:
runGitHub("epimap_vis", "cboix")
In addition, we have manuscript analysis code on github at
Manuscript: Adsera et. al bioRxiv (2019) - Integrative analysis of 10,000 epigenomic maps across 800 samples for regulatory genomics and disease dissection