A tool to index source code, for faster searches
In my daily work I deal with a lot of different artifacts (source code, meta file, domain specific languages) and almost every week I've to search something over all artifacts. With the fastest search tools it took me around 45min on an average search. So I was looking for a tool to speed up. There are some tools available but all have some disadvantages / nogo's, like:
- only work language dependent like csearch, ctags
- only work on linux/mac (codesearch)
- don't work on local machine
- can't handle huge code basis
- indexing of the code, take days
Not finding any tool, which solves my use case, was the reason to start this project.
This chapter describes how to use the command line version of the tool.
To improve the usability code-searcher provides an interactive menu within console. You should Start with this option if you are a new user.
CodeSearcher.exe auto
First we have to analyse all the files we want to have searchable. To create a lucene index out of the files you can use the following commands:
REM CodeSearcher.exe index --indexPath PathToStoreIndex --sourcePath PathOfSourceCode
REM Index files of type (cs, csproj, xml) of folder "D:\repository\project"
REM and store resulting index in folder "D:\Index"
CodeSearcher.exe index --indexPath D:\Index --sourcePath D:\repository\project
REM Index files of Type (json and xml) of folder "D:\repository\project"
REM and store resulting index in folder "D:\IndexJsonOnly"
CodeSearcher.exe index --indexPath D:\IndexJsonXmlOnly --sourcePath D:\repository\project --fileExtensions .json,.xml
After indexing we can use the index to find the files and line numbers containing the searched word, very fast.
REM CodeSearcher.exe search --indexPath PathToStoreIndex --searchWord WordToSearch
REM search word "class" in index stored under "D:\Index"
CodeSearcher.exe search --indexPath D:\Index --searchWord class
REM search word "port" in index stored under "D:\IndexJsonXmlOnly" show first 100 hits
CodeSearcher.exe search --indexPath C:\IndexXmlOnly --searchWord port --numberOfHits 100
To see all options use CodeSearcher.exe search --help
The CodeSearcher.WebAPI provides an REST ful API to use the code searcher. The swagger (OpenAPI) webpage is available under http://localhost:5000, this also the port to use the interface. The swagger (OpenAPI) definition, that can be used to generate access code in different languages (e.g. by using AutoRest), it is also served under http://localhost:5000/swagger/v1/swagger.json.
See Test documentation.
- AppIcon from freeicons.io - Creative Commons(Attribution 3.0 unported)