Releases: koepalex/code-searcher
Releases · koepalex/code-searcher
CodeSearcher.exe V1.0.0.0 released
Interactive Mode
To improve the usability code-searcher provides an interactive menu within console. You should Start with this option if you are a new user.
CodeSearcher.exe -m=auto
Manually Mode
Index a new source code folder
First we have to analyse all the files we want to have searchable. To create a lucene index out of the files you can use the following commands:
REM CodeSearcher.exe -m=index --ip=PathToStoreIndex --sp=PathOfSourceCode
REM Index files of type (cs, csproj, xml) of folder "D:\repository\project"
REM and store resulting index in folder "D:\Index"
CodeSearcher.exe -m=index --ip=D:\Index --sp=D:\repository\project
REM Index files of Type (json and xml) of folder "D:\repository\project"
REM and store resulting index in folder "D:\IndexJsonOnly"
CodeSearcher.exe -m=index --ip=D:\IndexJsonXmlOnly --sp=D:\repository\project --fe=".json,.xml"
Use index to search containing word
After indexing we can use the index to find the files and linenumbers containing the searched word, very fast.
REM CodeSearcher.exe -m==search --ip=PathToStoreIndex --sw=WordToSearch
REM search word "class" in index stored under "D:\Index"
CodeSearcher.exe -m=search --ip=D:\Index --sw="class"
REM search word "port" in index stored under "D:\IndexJsonXmlOnly" show first 100 hits
CodeSearcher.exe -m=search --ip="C:\IndexXmlOnly" --sw="port" --hits=100