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Jamie Smith edited this page Feb 13, 2023 · 9 revisions

This page will collect some tips on how to write and structure documentation so that it fits into the Mbed CE docs.

Running Doxygen Locally

If you have created or edited significant amounts of documentation, it's recommended to run Doxygen locally to check your docs. After installing Doxygen (>=1.9.1), docs can be generated by opening a terminal in the mbed-os root folder and running:

$ doxygen ./doxyfile_options

Docs will be generated in the BUILD folder, and any errors will be printed to the screen.

File Header

At minimum, each file should contain a block like this near the top:

 * \file
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2023 ARM Limited
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * \brief <one-sentence description of what's in this file>

The \file command tells Doxygen to include stuff from this file in the output docs. The \brief command sets the description of the file.


In order to organize the documentation into manageable chunks, Doxygen groups have been used. These group commands create a hierarchy in the output docs:


The top-level group is mbed-os-public ("Public API"), which is defined in AnalogIn.h (for some reason). All public code should be defined in this group or one of its subgroups. For instance, if you wanted to add a new driver API alongside I2C and SPI, you'd add that into the drivers-public-api group, which would put it under "Public API" > "Drivers" in the hierarchy.

Adding Code to an Existing Group

To add entities (defines, functions, classes) in code to an existing group, they need to be surrounded by a structure like this:

 * \ingroup drivers-public-api
 * @{

class MyNewDriver

/// @}

Note: You must be careful that "@}" and "@{" are correctly matched within a file, or a doxygen error will be produced. Additionally, note that Doxygen groups cannot span namespace boundaries.

For example, the following is incorrect and will create a (hard to diagnose) error:

 * \ingroup drivers-public-api-gpio
 * @{

namespace mbed {

class SomeClass

/// @}


Instead, the Doxygen commands must be inside the namespace boundaries:

namespace mbed {

 * \ingroup drivers-public-api-gpio
 * @{

class SomeClass

/// @}


This is, similarly, not OK:

namespace mbed {

 * \ingroup drivers-public-api-gpio
 * @{

void foo();

namespace detail
void bar();

void baz();

/// @}


Tedious though it is, you must do:

namespace mbed {

 * \ingroup drivers-public-api-gpio
 * @{

void foo();

/// @}

namespace detail
void bar();

 * \ingroup drivers-public-api-gpio
 * @{

void baz();

/// @}


Adding Code to a New Group

If, instead, you want to create a new group for your new driver, you'd use the defgroup command:

 * \defgroup my-driver-group My Driver Human-Readable Name
 * \ingroup drivers-public-api
 * @{

class MyNewDriver

/// @}

This will create a new group in your code. It can be referenced by \ingroup commands as my-driver-group, and will show as "My Driver Human-Readable Name" in the output docs.

Note: A group name should only be defined by a \defgroup command in one place.

Rules for Extraction

There are several rules that control whether a given entity (function, constant, class, etc) in code is or is not extracted into the documentation. Missing something? Check that all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The code file containing the entity is not excluded by EXCLUDE_PATTERNS in doxyfile_options
  2. The code file containing the entity has a Doxygen comment somewhere with a \file command in it.
  3. The section of code containing the entity is not inside an #ifdef block, or, if it is, that the relevant define is included in the PREDEFINED block in doxyfile_options. Currently this has to be updated manually :(
  4. The specific entity is documented. Since doxygen is configured with EXTRACT_ALL as false, only entities with a /** or /// comment will be included in the docs.

Note: for documenting one-line things like macros and enum entries, the ///< construct is helpful. The following:

#define MY_DEFINE_1 1 ///< Docs for define one
#define MY_DEFINE_2 2 ///< Docs for define two

is equivalent to:

/// Docs for define one
#define MY_DEFINE_1 1 

/// Docs for define two
#define MY_DEFINE_2 2

Documenting Overridden Functions

If you've used Javadoc, you might be familiar with the "@inheritDoc" directive, which is used to copy the documentation from a superclass function to a function in a subclass that overrides it. Doxygen, in contrast, does not have this directive. Instead, if you override a superclass function, just don't add any docs to it at all. This will cause Doxygen to copy the docs from the superclass.