🚧🚧 This is a pre-release 🚧🚧
Code from our manuscript on PEFT for protein language models.
Please use the provided env.yml file to install the required packages in a conda environment
conda env create -f env.yml
Parameters to run the code, such as train and test mode, LoRA parameters (rank, matrices to adapt), data file paths, data splits etc. are provided in a configuration file. Sample configuration files are provided under ./ppi/config/ and ./symmetry/config
In addition to the configuration file, provide an identifier for your experiment as RUN_NAME and the gpu ids to use as DEVICES
sh run_job_ppi.sh $RUN_NAME $CONFIG $DEVICES
sh run_job_symmetry.sh $RUN_NAME $CONFIG $DEVICES
Example: sh run_job.sh ppi_ft_expt ppi/config/config_ppi_finetune.yaml 0
python ppi/main.py --run_name "$RUN_NAME" --config "$CONFIG" --devices "$DEVICES"