- creation:
- compilers:
- Micro — interpreter of the Micro programming language; 👟 ⚙️
- Tick-tock — interpreter of the Tick-tock programming language:
- go-sync-utils — the library that provides utility entities for syncing; ⚙️
- games:
- Biohazard — 2D puzzle game for Android inspired by Conway's Game of Life and various block games: 👟 ⚙️
- biohazardcore — the library that implements the business logic of the puzzle game inspired by Conway's Game of Life and various block games; 👟 ⚙️
- lualife — the library that implements Conway's Game of Life: 👟 ⚙️
- luatypechecks — the library that implements various type checks in order to simulate static typing in the Lua language; 👟 ⚙️
- luaserialization — the library that implements various auxiliary functions for serialization; 👟
- Tangled Stones — 2D puzzle game for Android inspired by various games about tangled webs; 👟 ⚙️
- PWM Simulator — 2D puzzle game for Android inspired by pulse-width modulation and various side-scrolling games: 👟 ⚙️
- luaplot — the library that implements a model of a 2D plot with support for displaying functions of time (as in an oscilloscope); 👟 ⚙️
- Gravity Duel — 2D puzzle game for Android inspired by various shoot 'em up games reduced to a duel of two players and combined with gravity effects (but only for impulses); 👟 ⚙️
- Biohazard — 2D puzzle game for Android inspired by Conway's Game of Life and various block games: 👟 ⚙️
- electronics:
- LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor:
- Robot Fan — the fan model built using LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor;
- LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor:
- misc.:
- Wizard Intro — the demo to generate intros for my YouTube channel;
- FPS Fixer — the utility for fixing FPS in videos; ⚙️
- compilers:
- portfolio:
- games:
- go-chess:
- go-chess-models — the library that implements checking and generating of chess moves; 👟
- go-chess-minimax — the library that implements a chess engine based on the minimax algorithm; 👟
- go-chess-cli — the chess program with a terminal-based interface; 👟
- go-atari:
- go-atari-models — the library that implements checking and generating of Atari Go moves; 👟
- go-atari-montecarlo — the library that implements an Atari Go engine based on the Monte Carlo tree search algorithm; 👟
- go-atari-cli — the Atari Go program with a terminal-based interface; 👟
- go-chess:
- web:
- go-link-shortener:
- go-link-shortener-backend — back-end of the service for shorting links:
- go-http-utils — the library that provides HTTP utility functions; ⚙️
- go-link-shortener-frontend — front-end of the service for shorting links;
- go-link-shortener-integration — integration of the back-end and front-end of the service for shorting links;
- go-link-shortener-backend — back-end of the service for shorting links:
- go-exercises:
- go-exercises-worker — background worker of the service for solving programming exercises: ⚙️
- go-code-runner — the library that implements the compiling and running of a code written in the Go programming language and running of a test case set for the compiled code (i.e. the executable file) ; ⚙️
- go-rabbitmq-utils — the library that provides utility entities for working with RabbitMQ; ⚙️
- go-exercises-backend — back-end of the service for solving programming exercises; ⚙️
- go-exercises-frontend — front-end of the service for solving programming exercises; ⚙️
- go-exercises-integration — integration of the background worker, back-end, and front-end of the service for solving programming exercises; ⚙️
- go-exercises-worker — background worker of the service for solving programming exercises: ⚙️
- go-link-shortener:
- libraries:
- go-cache — the library that implements an in-memory cache with garbage collection in two modes: total (based on a full scan) and partial (based on expiration in Redis):
- go-hashmap — the library that implements a hash map with synchronized and concurrent wrappers;
- go-crawler — the library that implements crawling of all relative links for specified ones:
- go-html-selector — the library that implements collecting text, specified HTML tags, and their attributes from an HTML document;
- go-blockchain — the library that implements models and algorithms of blockchain.
- go-cache — the library that implements an in-memory cache with garbage collection in two modes: total (based on a full scan) and partial (based on expiration in Redis):
- games:
- irenica:
- VK:
- White Back:
- White Generator — utility for a generation of memes; ⚙️
- VK Group Stats — service for a collecting of a VK groups stats; ⚙️
- VK Bot — extendable VK group bot; ⚙️
- White Back:
- Coupon — utility for a getting and a formatting of coupons from the admitad service; ⚙️
- Telegram Bot — Telegram channel bot; ⚙️
- Motivator — the utility for repeatedly displaying notifications in the standard OS way. ⚙️
- VK:
- compilers:
- Wizard BASIC 0 — компилятор языка программирования Wizard BASIC 0;
- Wizard BASIC — компилятор языка программирования Wizard BASIC;
- Wizard BASIC 2 — компилятор языка программирования Wizard BASIC 2:
- Anna Graphics — трёхмерный графический движок, написанный на C++ на базе OpenGL;
- Anna Sound — трёхмерный звуковой движок, написанный на C++ на базе OpenAL;
- Wizard BASIC 3 — компилятор языка программирования Wizard BASIC 3:
- Wizard Parser — LL(*)-парсер на C++ с поддержкой DSL для описания грамматики в EBNF непосредственно в коде программы;
- games:
- Город — MMORPG про мегаполис в киберпанк и нуар стилистике; ⚙️
- Android:
- Diary Of Calories — калькулятор калорий; 👟 ⚙️
- Wizard Budget — калькулятор бюджета: 👟 ⚙️
- Wizard Tags — библиотека для мобильных браузеров, реализующая редактор тегов с автодополнением; ⚙️
- web:
- Wizard Diary — todo-лист; ⚙️
- blog:
- Wizard Blog Old — старый движок блога; ⚙️
- Wizard Blog — движок блога; ⚙️
- Wizard Blog New:
- October Copyright Years — a plugin for October CMS that provides the component for calculation and displaying of copyright years; ⚙️
- Image Preparer — the utility for image preparation. ⚙️