The library that implements the compiling and running of a code written in the Go programming language and running of a test case set for the compiled code (i.e. the executable file).
- saving of a code to a temporary file:
- storing of the temporary file with the code to an individual temporary directory;
- checking of package imports used in the code written in the Go programming language:
- checking based on the set of allowed imports;
- compiling of a code written in the Go programming language:
- automatic importing of the packages used in the code (optionally);
- checking of package imports used in the code (optionally):
- checking based on the set of allowed imports;
- enriching of an error of the external command running by an output from the stderr stream;
- support for the running time management (via the Go context);
- running of the compiled code (i.e. the executable file):
- passing of a custom input as the stdin stream;
- returning of an output from the stdout stream;
- enriching of an error of the external command running by an output from the stderr stream;
- support for the running time management (via the Go context);
- running of a test case set for the compiled code (i.e. the executable file):
- representation of a test case:
- input;
- expected output;
- checking of an actual output in each test case:
- returning of the sentinel errors:
- failed running — it returns on a running error;
- unexpected output — it returns when the expected and actual outputs do not match;
- returning of the sentinel errors:
- support for the running time management (via the Go context).
- representation of a test case:
Prepare the directory:
$ mkdir --parents "$(go env GOPATH)/src/"
$ cd "$(go env GOPATH)/src/"
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
$ cd go-code-runner
Install dependencies with the dep tool:
$ dep ensure -vendor-only
package main
import (
mapset ""
coderunner ""
systemutils ""
func main() {
const code = `
package main
import (
func main() {
var x, y int
if _, err := fmt.Scan(&x, &y); err != nil {
fmt.Println(x + y)
pathToCode, err := systemutils.SaveTemporaryText(code, ".go")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(filepath.Dir(pathToCode)) // nolint: errcheck
err = coderunner.CheckImports(pathToCode, mapset.NewSet("fmt", "log"))
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
// Output:
// <nil>
package main
import (
mapset ""
coderunner ""
systemutils ""
func main() {
const code = `
package main
import (
func main() {
var x, y int
if _, err := fmt.Scan(&x, &y); err != nil {
fmt.Println(x + y)
pathToCode, err := systemutils.SaveTemporaryText(code, ".go")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(filepath.Dir(pathToCode)) // nolint: errcheck
err = coderunner.CheckImports(pathToCode, mapset.NewSet("log"))
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
// Output:
// disallowed import "fmt"
package main
import (
coderunner ""
systemutils ""
func main() {
const code = `
package main
func main() {
var x, y int
fmt.Scan(&x, &y)
fmt.Println(x + y)
pathToCode, err := systemutils.SaveTemporaryText(code, ".go")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(filepath.Dir(pathToCode)) // nolint: errcheck
pathToExecutable, err :=
coderunner.CompileCode(context.Background(), pathToCode, nil)
if err != nil {
output, err :=
systemutils.RunCommand(context.Background(), "2 3", pathToExecutable)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%q\n", output)
// Output:
// "5\n"
package main
import (
coderunner ""
systemutils ""
testrunner ""
func main() {
const code = `
package main
func main() {
var x, y int
fmt.Scan(&x, &y)
fmt.Println(x + y)
pathToCode, err := systemutils.SaveTemporaryText(code, ".go")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(filepath.Dir(pathToCode)) // nolint: errcheck
pathToExecutable, err :=
coderunner.CompileCode(context.Background(), pathToCode, nil)
if err != nil {
err = testrunner.RunTestCases(
{Input: "5 12", ExpectedOutput: "17\n"},
{Input: "23 42", ExpectedOutput: "65\n"},
func(ctx context.Context, input string) (output string, err error) {
return systemutils.RunCommand(ctx, input, pathToExecutable)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
// Output:
// <nil>
package main
import (
coderunner ""
systemutils ""
testrunner ""
func main() {
const code = `
package main
func main() {
var x, y int
fmt.Scan(&x, &y)
fmt.Println(x + y)
pathToCode, err := systemutils.SaveTemporaryText(code, ".go")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(filepath.Dir(pathToCode)) // nolint: errcheck
pathToExecutable, err :=
coderunner.CompileCode(context.Background(), pathToCode, nil)
if err != nil {
err = testrunner.RunTestCases(
{Input: "5 12", ExpectedOutput: "17\n"},
{Input: "23 42", ExpectedOutput: "100\n"},
func(ctx context.Context, input string) (output string, err error) {
return systemutils.RunCommand(ctx, input, pathToExecutable)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
// Output:
// unexpected output (input - "23 42"): expected - "100\n", actual - "65\n"
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2021 thewizardplusplus