Fury Addon originally by Bhaerau, modifications for end game raiding in vanilla by cubenicke. Purpose for the addon is to make a Fury warriors life easier while raiding in vanilla wow. Fury makes one button for the warrior rotation, but still makes it possible to adapt the rotation with manual settings to make it adapt for each fight. Also gives some aid with mid-fight buffs like Jujus.
In key bindings, bind these actions to some keys available to you mid fight (Same commands can also be created as macros - to create a button on action bar)
Attack - One button Fury Warrior rotation. Spam it!
Toggle HS or Cleave - Dump excessing rage with Heroic Strike or Cleave. Useful in threat situations and for a AoE with single mob prio.
Toggle WW - Stops using Whirlwind during normal rotation, toggle it in CC situations. or Kel'Thuzad to don't do damage on Mind Controlled people.
Toggle DW - Enable it a bit into fights when you want your first Death Wish to fire off.
Some commands exists as key bindings, but for most commands one has to write a macro to make them usable during combat. To get a button to press on the action bar, create a macro
/fury juju power
To get the correct Icon for the macro, edit the macro file in a text editor WTF///macros-cache.txt, change the icon name to the correct one. See below for some icon names.
MACRO 16777224 "Power" INV_Misc_MonsterScales_11
/fury juju power
Dismount (Mounted only)
Berserker Rage (Feared only)
Pummel / Shield Bash
Rend (PvP only)
Berserker Rage (PvE only)
Berserking (Troll racial)
Disarm (PvP only)
Demoralizing Shout (PvE only)
Battle Shout
Mortal Strike / Bloodthirst
Juju Flurry
Juju Chill
Juju Ember
Juju Might
Juju Power
Oil of Immolation
Death Wish (on every cooldown)
Heroic Strike / Cleave
Name, Icon
Battle Shout, Ability_Warrior_BattleShout
Berserker Rage, spell_nature_ancestralguardian
Bloodrage, ability_racial_bloodrage
Bloodthirst, spell_nature_bloodlust
Cleave, Ability_Warrior_Cleave
Disarm, ability_warrior_disarm
Death Wish, Spell_Shadow_DeathPact
Demoralizing Shout, Ability_Warrior_Warcry
Execute, inv_sword_48
Hamstring, ability_shockwave
Heroic Strike, Ability_Rogue_Ambush
Mortal Strike, ability_warrior_savageblow
Overpower, ability_meleedamage
Pummel, inv_gauntlets_04
Rend, ability_gouge
Shield Bash, ability_warrior_shieldbash
Whirlwind, Ability_Whirlwind
- Juju Chill,INV_Misc_MonsterScales_09 (Only on Kel'Thuzad and Sapphiron)
- Juju Ember,INV_Misc_MonsterScales_15
- Juju Flurry,INV_Misc_MonsterScales_17
- Juju Might,INV_Misc_MonsterScales_07 Doesn't overrride Winterfall Firewater
- Juju Power,INV_Misc_MonsterScales_11 Doesn't overrride Elixir of Giants
- Oil of Immolation, inv_potion_11
/fury - uses Fury
/fury aoe - enables cleave and whirlwind, disables overpower, bloodhtirst, Heroic Strike (Swithced off when fewer than 2 enemies)
/fury toggle - toggles Fury on/off
/fury threat - enables Cleave or Heroic Strike based on current settings, use on threat critical fights to decrease threat build up
/fury juju flurry|power|might|ember|chill - enables buff on every cooldown, chill only on Kel'Thuzad and Sapphiron
/fury ooi - enables Oil of Immolation whenever OoI buff is not up
/fury ability <name> - toggles the use of abilities. Must use correct names with capitalization, ie. Heroic Strike, Rend etc.
/fury dance <number> - sets rage allowed to be wasted when switching stance ("dancing")
/fury attackrage <number> - sets minimum rage required when using Heroic Strike or Cleave
/fury rage <number> - sets maximum rage allowed when using abilities to gain rage
/fury bloodrage <number> - sets minimum percent of health required when using Bloodrage
/fury hamstring <number> - sets maximum percent of health allowed when using Hamstring on NPCs
/fury berserk <number> - sets minimum percent of health required when using Berserk
/fury deathwish <number> - sets minimum percent of health required when using Death Wish
/fury stance <name> - sets stance to return to after switching stance. If default is selected it will return to your last used stance. If no stance is selected it will disable stance switching. Must use correct names with capitalization.
/fury help [command] - prints help text
/fury attack - toggles the use of autoattack. Experimental.
/fury debug - toggles debug mode
/fury unit [player|target] - shows buffs and debuffs for player or target
/fury where - info about whereabouts