The charateristic scales:
The characteristic frequency is
For Oldroyd-B, the parameters are:
Dimensionless retardation time:
$t_{\eta s} = (\eta_s/G)*\Omega_c = \eta_s/\sqrt{\rho G R_0^2}$ .$t_{\eta s}$ is the time it takes to show an elastic response- For a purely elastic solid,
$t_{\eta s}$ is 0 -
$t_{\eta s} \to \infty$ is liquid.
- For a purely elastic solid,
Dimensionless relaxation time:
$t_\lambda = \lambda * \Omega_c = \lambda * \sqrt{G/(\rho R_0^2)}$ .$t_\lambda$ is the time it takes to show a viscous response- For a viscous liquid,
$t_\lambda$ is 0 and for solids,$t_\lambda \to \infty$ . - A purely elastic solid has
$t_{\eta s} = 0$ and$t_\lambda \to \infty$ .
- For a viscous liquid,
This is the ratio of inertial to elastic forces. This is the square of the ratio of two characteristic frequencies:
This compares the elastic to capillary forces. To start with, we can assume
- Another way to think about it is that
$Ec = \Omega_\gamma^2/\Omega_c^2 = \frac{\gamma/(\rho R_0^3)}{G/(\rho R_0^2)} = \gamma/(G R_0)$ .
For details of the constitutive model Oldroyd-B model, see:
One core:
qcc -O2 -Wall -disable-dimensions pizza.c -o pizza -lm
OpenMP parallelization:
qcc -O2 -Wall -disable-dimensions pizza.c -o pizza -lm -fopenmp
Here, change 16 to the number of available threads.
OpenMPI parallelization:
CC99='mpicc -std=c99' qcc -Wall -O2 -D_MPI=1 -disable-dimensions pizza.c -o pizza -lm
mpirun -np 16 ./pizza
Here, change 16 to the number of available cores.
Note: In the pizza.c file, you can uncomment and edit ``argv" parts to pass parameters from terminal.