Releases: iits-consulting/charts
The traefik ingress controller with some additional resources and sane default values for IITS projects. Always read the Changelog for information about possible migrations.
Forward Auth proxy with gogatekeeper. It replaces the old proxy mechanism ## Installing the Chart with iits ArgoCD yaml charts: oidc-forward-auth: namespace: routing targetRevision: "1.6.2" parameters: gatekeeper.config.client-id: "${vault:whatever/data/keycloak/keycloak_proxy_admin#client_id}" gatekeeper.config.client-secret: "${vault:whatever/data/keycloak/keycloak_proxy_admin#client_secret}" gatekeeper.config.discovery-url: "https://{{.Values.projectValues.authDomain}}/realms/{{.Values.projectValues.context}}" "my.protected.domain"
## Then use it like this yaml ingress: enabled: true # -- Mandatory, replace it with your host address host: annotations: websecure "true" #namespace-name@kubernetescrd routing-oidc-forward-auth@kubernetescrd # Creates default Ingress with tls and the given host from defaultIngress: enabled: true
This chart wraps the upstream kyverno
and kyverno-policies
chart and adds a few useful policies: - Verify all images are signed with cosign - Verify all images come from allowed image repositories - Replace the complete registry reference with a custom one - Prepend the image reference with a custom prefix, useful for e.g. pull-through caches
Wrapper chart for elastalert2 with custom rules to kickstart IITS projects ## Installing the Chart with iits ArgoCD yaml elastalert: namespace: monitoring repoURL: "" targetRevision: "0.3.0" # If you need custom rules valueFile: "value-files/elastalert/values.yaml" parameters: customRules.slack.webhookUrl: "${vault:mySecretPath/data/common/slack#webhookUrl}"
Wrapper chart for cert-manager. Deploys a ClusterIssuer resource to bootstrap Let's encrypt cert generation
This chart is used to bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster with argocd
. You can use this chart to deploy argocd
through tools like terraform
. Usage example: hcl resource "helm_release" "argocd" { name = "argocd" repository = "" chart = "argocd" version = "16.3.0" namespace = "argocd" create_namespace = true wait = true atomic = true timeout = 900 // 15 Minutes render_subchart_notes = true dependency_update = true wait_for_jobs = true set_sensitive { name = "" value = var.git_token } values = [ yamlencode({ projects = { infrastructure-charts = { projectValues = { # Set this to enable stage values-$STAGE.yaml stage = var.stage # Example values which are handed down to the project. Like this you can give over information from terraform to argo-cd rootDomain = var.domain_name } git = { repoUrl = "" } } } } ) ] }
In the project it expects a helm chart named infrastructure-charts and will install everything from there.
The traefik ingress controller with some additional resources and sane default values for IITS projects. Always read the Changelog for information about possible migrations.
The traefik ingress controller with some additional resources and sane default values for IITS projects. Always read the Changelog for information about possible migrations.
A complete monitoring/alerting stack with Grafana Prometheus Alertmanager ## Installing the Chart with iits ArgoCD yaml prometheus-stack: namespace: monitoring repoURL: "" targetRevision: "62.6.0" ignoreDifferences: - jsonPointers: - /imagePullSecrets kind: ServiceAccount syncOptions: - ServerSideApply=true parameters: "admin.{{.Values.projectValues.rootDomain}}" "admin.{{.Values.projectValues.rootDomain}}" "admin.{{.Values.projectValues.rootDomain}}" prometheusStack.grafana.adminPassword: "REPLACE_ME"
Wrapper chart for cert-manager. Deploys a ClusterIssuer resource to bootstrap Let's encrypt cert generation