This chart is used to bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster with argocd
. You can use this chart to deploy argocd
through tools like terraform
. Usage example: hcl resource "helm_release" "argocd" { name = "argocd" repository = "" chart = "argocd" version = "16.3.0" namespace = "argocd" create_namespace = true wait = true atomic = true timeout = 900 // 15 Minutes render_subchart_notes = true dependency_update = true wait_for_jobs = true set_sensitive { name = "" value = var.git_token } values = [ yamlencode({ projects = { infrastructure-charts = { projectValues = { # Set this to enable stage values-$STAGE.yaml stage = var.stage # Example values which are handed down to the project. Like this you can give over information from terraform to argo-cd rootDomain = var.domain_name } git = { repoUrl = "" } } } } ) ] }
In the project it expects a helm chart named infrastructure-charts and will install everything from there.