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tagtuna edited this page Aug 19, 2015 · 1 revision

Parameters of Trackit

Parameter Usage Initial value Unit
u "advection" component of movement; northward component of directed movement 0 nm/day
v "advection" component of movement; eastward component of directed movement 0 nm/day
D "diffusion" component of movement. A measure of the variability in movement 100 nm^2/day
ss1 light covariance parameter 1 - two light measurements taken near the same solar event are more similar (correlated) than two taken at separate solar events 1 N/A
ss2 light covariance parameter 2 - correlation between two light measurements near the same solar event decreases as the time between them increases 5 N/A
ss3 independent measurement errors in light 1 N/A
rho light covariance parameter used in combination with ss1 & ss2, see Nielsen & Sibert 2007 for equations 0.01 N/A
bsst systematic error (or bias) in the estimation of sea-surface temperature, SST 1 degree Celsius
sssst random error in the estimation of sea-surface temperature, SST 0.1 degree Celsius
rad smoothing radius of SST data; radius centered from a given point within which satellite SST data are used 200 nm
phi a collection of points (n = a2lpoints, default at 15) used to model a light curve with a cubic spine See ?trackit N/A

Other options

Option Usage Initial value Unit
a2lpoints No. of points used to model light curve, see phi 15 N/A
blue.light.only Not implemented right now FALSE N/A
dep1 Not implemented right now 0 N/A
dep2 Not implemented right now 0 N/A