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Nick Walker edited this page Oct 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Here's a list of other research groups doing things similar to ours:

  1. CoBot Robots - Manuela Veloso's group at CMU. They do research on how mobile robots called “CoBots” (for “Collaboration Robots”) can be used in an indoor office environment, interact with humans in a symbiotic relationship, perform indoor localization and navigation. Here are some human-robot symbiotic relationship things they did:
    • Mobile robots gets lost navigating a building and asks a nearby person for help re-localizing it.
    • Mobile robot needs help navigating an elevator and asks a human to push an elevator button.
    • Person needs to know what's her next meeting and asks the robot for details of the person she's meeting.
  2. Lewis the Robotic Photographer
  3. Centibots (now defunct) - SRI

The following are more related pervasive computing than to mobile robotics:

  1. Manfred Huber's smart home slides:
  2. Georgia Tech Aware Home
  3. MIT Intelligent Room
  4. Stanford Interactive Workspaces
  5. Univ. of Colorado Boulder Adaptive House
  6. Univ. of Texas Arlington and Univ. of Washington MavHome Smart Home
  7. Texas Christine University Smart Home
  8. General Electric Smart Home
  9. Microsoft Easy Living
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